“We Are One!”
The Samphire Club’s First Birthday at our “Booze-Up in a Brewery”
Thursday 6th April 2017
Arrive from 7pm – Stay till Late
St Austell Brewery, 63 Trevarthian Road, St Austell, PL25 4BY
Live music, American street food, great company and, of course, plenty of booze!
If you are a Samphire Club member, your place is free! You are very welcome to bring a plus one along to the party, please note there is a £25 charge for your plus one, we will send you an invoice prior to the event.
**Due to numbers needing to be sent to the caterers for this event, Booking is now closed via this form.**
If you would like to come along still but haven’t booked, please email john@thesamphireclub.com (apparently he knows someone on the door)